Over 30?


Finally a game for people over 30! You're not getting older, you're getting better... at REMINISCING, the game that proves wrinkles and crow's feet don't just happen, they're earned!

Reminiscing is the perfect game for people who can still remember "Take That",  "Michael Jackson" or "The Beatles"…

Actually how much can you remember about the "good old days?" Did you ever wear a snood, a poodle skirt or bellbottoms? Do you recall dancing to Elvis records... or was it "Disco Duck?" Were you a "Hippie," a "Yippie," a "Yuppie" or just confused?

Well now’s your chance to find out, as you play Reminiscing!

This game not only challenges your memory of past events, trends, music, clothes, radio, TV and films from the 1960’s, to the 1990’s, but also prompts you to remember thoughts and feelings from your personal past.

So ask your best friends round and get down to some serious Reminiscing!

Playing Board
Rules Sheet
4 Question Books
3 Dice
8 Playing Pieces

For 2 – 4 players or teams aged 12 to adult.

Reminiscing - Board Game

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